Abstract :
Islam, as a complete code for human life, has enjoined formal etiquettes even for healthy food intake. Usually when the food or drink is hot we are habituated to blow air from mouth to cool it. However, the Prophet ﷺ has forbade from such an act. He ﷺ, has also forbade from breathing inside a vessel. The dangers of blowing the hot food and drinks, can be explained scientifically: The steam from the hot drinks/food is water vapor (H2O). When we blow the food/drink, we release carbon dioxide (CO2) from the mouth. According to the chemical
reaction, the water vapor reacts with CO2 to form carbonic acid compounds that are acidic, and which can be injurious to our health. This scientific explanation concurs with what the Prophet ﷺ told the Ummah fifteen centuries back. What about mouth-to-mouth resuscitation/Expired Air Resuscitation (EAR)?A person who
requires EAR is usually in danger of dying from hypoxia, or loss of oxygen. Therefore, although the oxygen
content is less in our expired air, it can still work to revive a person. In the matter of contagious diseases like COVID-19, this unique Prophetic advice to avoid blowing air from mouth on food and drinks is valuable to stop
the spread of the disease. In fact, possibly one can relate all other mitigating methods, like mask usage, social
distancing and quarantining to be originating from this unique fifteen centuries old Prophetic advice! In the matter of blowing air after reciting verses of Qur’an or a supplication ( Dua) on oneself or on another person,
this blessed act is established by the Sunnah of our beloved Prophetﷺ. Apparently, it might look like blowing of air, but actually we sayفش (Shif), which means O’Allah give Shifa (cure from ailments).
Islam, as a comprehensive way of life, has codified every
aspect of daily life through the blessed practices of the
Prophet ﷺ and his companions. The life of the holy
Prophet ﷺ and his blessed companions, is a perfect role
model not just for the Muslims, but in fact for the whole of humanity till the day of judgement [1], [2]. One may overlook some of the practices of the Prophet ﷺ and the companions as insignificant, but the books of Ahadith
are replete with topics like food intake. One practice which drew the author’s attention, and which looked
insignificant outwardly, was that the Prophet ﷺ never
blew air from his mouth on food or drink and forbade his
companions from doing so. When we analyze this
blessed practice of the Prophet ﷺ from a
scientific/medical point of view, the subject not just
became highly interesting, but also made us realize that it
is a health hazard, when not practiced.
The serious issue is that when this blessed Sunnah of the
Prophet ﷺ is overlooked, and when one blows air on the food and drinks from our mouth, then there is a high
possibility of production of carbonic acid in our
food/drinks and the intake of such edibles can cause an
increase in carbonic acid levels in the blood, which is
injurious to our health.
From this practice of the Prophet ﷺ, we learn an
important lesson, that all of his Sunnas during his whole
life, no matter how insignificant they might look, are
important and significant. Be it as simple as food intake,
there are plethora of references to show how intricate the
Prophetﷺ was in his practices.
Our beliefs dictate that as Muslims, we accept without
any hesitation all the orders of Allah Tala, as
implemented by the Prophet ﷺ in his blessed life, even if
in some cases we have difficulty in understanding them.
It is irrelevant what science says and doesn’t say about it.
Now, after fifteen centuries, if science comes out to
positively explain some of the aspects of the blessed life
of the Prophet ﷺ, that will be an extra. As Muslims
from the point of view of our beliefs, we are not
dependent on science whatsoever. [1], [2]
In this paper, we have tried to explain the probable
scientific/medical reasons for the Prophet not to blow
air from his blessed mouth on food and drinks, and also
prohibiting his companions from doing so.
The command of Allah Tala to consume what is Halal and pure
Although, per se, there is no clear cut mention in the
Qur’an about the prohibition of blowing air on food and
drinks, but then all the ahadithsharif of the prophet
are in fact the tafseer of the Qur’an. The following
verses of the Qur’an, are very clear in commanding the
people to consume what is halal and pure:
O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and good on the
earth and follow not the footsteps of Shaytan(satan)
Verily, he is to you an open enemy.SuratulBaqarah verse
IbneKaseer RA in his tafseer of this verse, states that
“Allah stated that He is the Sustainer for all His creation,
and He mentioned a favor that He granted them; He has
allowed them to eat any of the pure lawful things on the
earth that do not cause harm to the body or the mind.”[3]
The Act of Blowing Air from mouth on food/drink and breathing into the vessel and its prohibition
Usually when the food or drink is hot we are habituated
to blow air from mouth to cool it. However the Prophet
ﷺ has forbade such an act. He has also forbade from
breathing inside a vessel. Blowing air from mouth to
extinguish a burning candle is also discouraged. In the
followingAhadithSharif: [4], [5]
It is narrated by Ikrama (RA) that Ibne Abbas (RA) said
The Prophet ﷺ never blow onto his food or drink, and he
did not breathe into the vessel. Grade: Sahih
(Darussalam) [4]
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah RA that the
Messenger of Allahﷺsaid: “When anyone of you drinks
let him not breathe into the vessel. If he wants to
continue drinking, let him move the vessel away (in order
to breathe) then bring it back, if he wants.” Grade Hasan
(Darussalam) [5]
Imam Al-Shaukani RA, explains this Hadith Sharif in his
book Nailul-Awtaar [6]: Relating to his saying (he did
not breath in the vessel) this is a prohibition from
breathing in that which is drunk from, in order that
saliva/spit is not let out from the mouth leaving it (the
vessel) unclean for the next person who drinks from it, or
causing a foul smell to be attached to the water or vessel.
The word (vessel) here includes the vessel which is used
for food and drink. So one should not blow in the vessel
in order to remove that which is in the water from dirt or
what is similar to that, for verily blowing generally is not
free from saliva which is deemed unclean or filthy.
Likewise, one should not blow in the vessel in order to cool down hot food, rather one should be patient until the
food has cooled down itself as previously mentioned.
One should also not eat the food whilst it is hot, for verily
the blessing will depart from it and it is from the food of
the people of the hellfire.
Imam Al-Nawawi RA elaborated on the Hadith about the
prohibition of breath and blowing into food and drink,
and said: “The prohibition of breathing in the vessel
including ethics because feared it contaminates water or
cause the smell awful or it is feared there was something
from the mouth and nose are falling into it and things of
that sort.” [7]
Imam Ibnu al-Qayyim RA commented on the Hadith that
it is forbidden to blow into hot drink: “There is
prohibition to blow into drinks because it raises the awful
odor that comes from the mouth. Smells bad and can
cause people not to drink it, more so if the person who
blew the whiff of mouth are changed. In summary this
caused the breath of the people who blow it would be
mixed with drinks. Therefore, the Prophet forbade two
things at once, i.e. breathe into the vessel and blow it [8]
Possible scientific explanations for these prohibitions
The dangers of blowing the hot food and drinks, can be
explained scientifically. The steam from the hot
drinks/food is water vapor (H2O). When we blow the
drink/food, we release carbon dioxide (CO2) from the
mouth. According to the chemical reaction, the water
vapor reacts with CO2to form carbonic acid compounds
that are acidic: CO2 + H2O => H2CO3. Actually there is
already naturally occurring carbonic acid (H2CO3) in
blood that is useful to adjust the pH (acidity level) in the
blood. Blood is the buffer (which can maintain the pH of
the solution) with a weak acid H2CO3 and the conjugate
base of HCO3
– so that the blood has a pH of 7.35 to 7.45
with the following reaction:
CO2 + H2O <= H2CO3 => HCO3
-+ H+
The body uses a pH buffer in the blood as a protection
against the changes which occur suddenly in blood pH.
Abnormalities in the mechanisms controlling the pH, can
cause one of two major diseases in the acid-base balance
namely acidosis or alkalosis. Acidosis is a condition
where the blood has too much acid (or a very low base)
and often causes decreased blood ph. While Alkalosis
a condition where the blood has too much base (or too little acid) and sometimes cause increased blood ph.
Carbonic acid (H2CO3) affect the level of acidity in the
blood and it leads to a situation where the blood becomes
more acidic than it should be. This results in the
decrease in the blood pH, and it is known as Acidosis.
Along with decreasing pH of the blood, breathing
becomes deeper and more rapid as the body makes effort
to reduce excess acid in the blood by lowering the
amount of carbon dioxide. In the end, the kidneys also try
to compensate this situation by issuing more acid in the
urine. But both of these mechanisms will not be useful if
the body is constantly producing too much acid, resulting
in severe acidosis. In line with the worsening acidosis,
the person begins to feel fatigue, drowsiness, nausea and
experiences more confusion. If acidosis worsens, blood
pressure may fall, causing shock, coma and even death.
Our explanation is supported by similar studies by
SitiHamidatulKhairah and DadangKahmadin 2021 [10],
and by Laila Fathiyyah, in her thesis tiled “The
prohibition of blowing food and drink.” [11]
Mouth to mouth resuscitation
Expired Air Resuscitation (EAR), also known as mouth
to mouth resuscitation, involves the transferring of
expired air from a person to a victim of drowning, etc.
Being able to give a person a fresh lease of life is
undoubtedly one of the rarest and purest gifts of life that
one can give. This is a form of artificial breathing or
ventilation wherein the victim requires assistance in
normal breathing. Air is forced down their respiratory
tract until it reaches the lungs. This is done a number of
times until that person can breathe on their own or until
medical help arrives. When performing EAR on a
person, we force our exhaled air into their mouth.
However, basic biology tells us that the air we exhale is
low in oxygen, and higher in carbon dioxide. Therefore,
it is normal to wonder about the effectiveness of EAR. If
a person is already in distress, then blowing carbon
dioxide into them should bring about a negative effect?
The answer lies in understanding the composition of the
air that we inhale and exhale. The inhaled air has
approximately 21% oxygen and less than 1% carbon
dioxide (see fig. 1). Once the air enters our lungs,
gaseous exchange takes place. The air that we exhale
contains about 4% carbon dioxide and 18% oxygen. We
use only about 3-4% of the oxygen that we take in. A
person who requires EAR is usually in danger of dying
from hypoxia, or loss of oxygen. In such a case, it is
imperative that they receive oxygen. Therefore, although
the oxygen content is less in our expired air, it can still
work to revive a person. After all, half a loaf is better
than no bread at all.
Composition of inhaled and exhaled air
Inhaled air by volume is 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95%
oxygen and small amounts of argon, carbon dioxide,
neon, helium, and hydrogen. The gas exhaled is 4-5% by
volume of carbon dioxide, about a 100-fold increase over
the inhaled amount. The volume of oxygen is reduced by
a small amount, 4-5%, compared to the oxygen inhaled.
The typical composition is: 5-6.3% water vapor, 74.4%
nitrogen, 13.6–16 % oxygen, 4–5.3% carbon dioxide, 1%
argon and several parts per million (ppm) of hydrogen
and carbon monoxide, 1 ppm of ammonia and less than 1
ppm of acetone, methanol, ethanol and other volatile
organic compounds.
Breathing – a gift of life
Breathing (or ventilation) is the process of moving air
into and out of the lungs to facilitate gas exchange with
the internal environment, mostly by bringing in oxygen
and flushing out carbon dioxide. We breathe air that is 21
% oxygen, and we require oxygen to live. Our lungs are
basically a long series of tubes that branch out from our
nose and mouth (from trachea to bronchi to bronchioles)
and end in little thin-walled air sacs called alveoli (see
fig. 2). Surrounding each alveolus are small, thin
blood vessels, called pulmonary capillaries. Between the
capillaries and the alveolus is a thin wall (about 0.5
microns thick) through which various gases (oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and nitrogen) pass. When we inhale the
alveoli get filled with this air. Because the concentration
of oxygen is high in the alveoli and low in the blood
entering the pulmonary capillaries, oxygen diffuses from
the air into the blood. Likewise, because the
concentration of carbon dioxide is higher in the blood
that’s entering the capillaries than it is in the alveolar air,
carbon dioxide passes from the blood to the alveoli. The
nitrogen concentration in the blood and the alveolar air is
about the same. The gases exchange across the alveola
wall and the air inside the alveoli becomes depleted of oxygen and rich in carbon dioxide(see fig. 3). When we
exhale, we breathe out this carbon dioxide enriched,
oxygen-poor air.
As illustrated in fig. 3, the alveoli are small air sacs
within the lung parenchyma that originate from the
terminal ends of alveolar sacs and ducts. The greater the
surface area the lungs have for gas exchange, the greater
is their efficiency to absorb oxygen. The 700 million (or
more) alveoli found in both lungs, if flattened out, would
cover an area of some 50-100 square yards. This is
approximately the size of a tennis court, and is all neatly
folded and bundled into the chest cavity. Each alveolus
has a wall that is only one cell thick. A capillary wall has
about the same thickness. The distance between air and
blood is about 1/1000th of a millimeter. The oxygen is
transported by the red blood cells, which squeeze single
file through the pulmonary capillaries. Red cells are
packed with hemoglobin, or red pigment, that attracts the
oxygen. Carbon dioxide is diffused in the same way back
through the capillaries and alveolar walls to be exhaled.
[16], [17]
So, are we not Correct?
Was not the Prophet ﷺ correct, when he forbade
blowing air on food and drinks? Now, after fifteen
centuries science is proving after a thorough research,
that what the Prophet ﷺ said was true!
Possible mitigation of the contagious Diseases like Covid-19
A possible correlation might exist between this valuable
Prophetic advice and the spread of contagious diseases
like COVID-19. This unique Prophetic advice to avoid
blowing air from mouth on food and drinks may be
valuable to stop the spread of Corona Virus (SARS-CoV
2.) and for that matter, stopping the spread of any other
virus or bacterial infection, any time, as a safe practice.
Indeed, possibly one can relate all other mitigating
methods, like mask usage, social distancing and
quarantining to be originating from this unique Prophetic
Sunnah. [1]
Blowing air after reciting the verses of the Quran or a
Supplication (dua) on oneself or on another person?
This blessed act is established as a Sunnah of the
Prophetﷺ. Actually, in essence this act is not blowing of
air from mouth. Apparently, it might look like blowing of
air, but according to the author’s learned teacher and
mentor Moulana Abdul MateenNomani Sahib, RA
(personal communication), actually we say Shif
which means O’ Allah give Shifa (cure from ailments)!
From the time of our birth till our death, Islam plays a
crucial role in our lives, which we may not realize
Whether it is a minor or a major event, there is Islam
which is having its footprints in our lives. There are
thousands of Sunnahsof the Prophet which can be
proven scientifically. For example, take this Sunnah of
the Prophet ﷺ of avoiding to blow air from mouth on
food and drinks. Now scientifically and medically it is
established that how much important it is to follow this
Sunnah to save our bodies from injurious habits. It is
important that theUmmah start sincerely practicing all the
Sunnahs of the Prophet ﷺ, and inform the world the
immense benefits of following them. [1], [2]
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