by Maryam Riaz | Aug 20, 2019
A chaplain is an individual that provides religious and pastoral care within an organised setting ranging from Hospitals, Universities, Prisons and military and recently airports and supermarkets. In the NHS, the NHS Occupation Standards define the purpose of a...
by Dr Shahid Wahid | Aug 20, 2019
As I contemplate the next stage of my expanding Medical Director role in a new Trust (South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust) I have reflected on my journey. Medical leadership in my experience can be placed in 3 broad areas that do overlap: clinical,...
by Dr Aadil Sheikh | Aug 20, 2019
The Arabic word mercy (Rahma), a fundamental attribute of God in the Islamic tradition has its roots in the Arabic and Hebrew word for womb (Rahm). (1) It is said in a Prophetic saying of Muhammad, Peace be upon him, that God’s mercy and compassion for His creation is...
by Dr. Hany El-Banna | Apr 29, 2019
‘O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other” (Quran 49:13). Practical definitions of Islam If we try to find a practical definition of Islam, we can say that Islam is the religion of the...
by Dr Nadia Khan | Apr 29, 2019
The above aphorism from 19th-century American physician Edward Trudeau encapsulates what the endeavour of medicine is about. The fact that those words are often attributed to Hippocrates is not accidental- physicians throughout the ages have recognised that the...