by Mona Saleh M.D, FRCSC and Mohammed Ghaly, Ph.D. | Apr 29, 2020
Abstract The current COVID-19 pandemic has placed overwhelming demands on healthcare systems globally necessitating guidelines for limited resource allocation to be developed. This paper examines the ethics of resource allocation from an Islamic perspective and...
by Dr. Nadia Khan | Apr 29, 2020
Within the Islamic worldview, death is seen as a very natural part of the fragile human experience. It is a certainty that holds deep meaning and implications for how Muslims value and live their lives, and throws the relationship between Creator and His creation into...
by Usman Maravia | Apr 29, 2020
Abstract This article explains the rationale for why Muslim jurists decided to suspend the Friday prayers and funerary rites as well as the option for healthcare professionals to postpone their fasting in Ramadan during the COVID-19 pandemic. The explanation provides...
by Dr. Hassan Chamsi-Pasha FRCP, FACC. Dr. Majed Chamsi-Pasha MB BS. Dr. Mohammed Ali Albar MD, FRCP (London). | Apr 29, 2020
Abstract Plastic surgery is concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. There are two types of plastic surgery, cosmetic or aesthetic and reconstructive. The purpose of “reconstructive” plastic surgery is to correct physical features, which are...
by Dr. Abid Hussain, MB, ChB (Edin), DA, FRCA, DMS, | Apr 29, 2020
It has been known for a number of years that the UK Asian community is over-represented on the organ transplant list (17%) and under-represented on the organ donor register (3.3%)(1). In the NHSBT report for 2018-19 only 4% of all deceased organ donors were Asian...