When does Ensoulment occur in the Human Foetus

Abstract The debate related to legal permissibility of abortion in Islam tends to revolve round three fundamental concerns. The first, related to the st ging and what is observed of human form of the foetus, the second, the relationship between this human for and...

Organ Transplant in Islam

Preamble In this paper, we discuss organ transplantation and its benefits as well as its permissibility in the Islamic faith. Due to advances in science, technology, and modern medicine, lives can now be saved by organ donation and transplantation. In this paper, we...

Evolution of Islamic Medical Ethics – An Overview

Abstract The Ethics was not a separate discipline in the early Islamic era because all the oral values were already embedded in Islamic jurisprudence. Nevertheless, the importance of the manners, especially for physicians, prompted Ishāq ibn `Alī al-Ruhāwī t write...

Global Crisis of Abortion and the Islamic Viewpoint

Abstract Heath professionals face various medical and ethical dilemmas throughout their professional careers. Some of these challenges become more testing when they pose a threat to one’s religious teachings and beliefs. During current times when people, in...