by Ponn P.Mahayosnand, Samiha Ahmed, ZM Sabra | Apr 30, 2024
Abstract This review article presents the medicinal use of black seed (Nigella sativa) for coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). The authors analyze current COVID-19-specific black seed studies in the Middle East, South Asia, and the Far East. While black seed has benefits far...
by Najma Ali, Dr Zain Ul Abideen | Apr 30, 2024
Introduction Every year, more than 2 million people worldwide perform a pilgrimage known as Hajj to the Kaaba, the “House of Allah”, in the sacred city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and is mandatory to perform at least once in a...
by Dr.Hussein Nagi | Dec 30, 2023
Back in February this year a group of interested consultants who have experience in Hijama (Modified Wet Cupping) have been discussing further research in Hijama to be presented in an international conference about Hijama in Bosnia this year. I had some broad lines to...
by Talal Khan | Aug 29, 2023
Purpose This essay seeks to discuss the consequences of modern career working styles. The analysis of this will be through the lens of the spiritual paradigm, exploring the metaphysical aspects of our work. Hypothesis Islam is a religion that encourages moderation. In...
by Khadija Amla | Aug 29, 2023
Introduction: Communication impairments post Stroke can have devastating impacts on psychological, social and emotional wellbeing. For those that cannot access Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) services due to cultural or language barriers, this can leave them feeling...